Friday, May 27, 2011

Barry's Bond

Last week it was reported that Barry Bonds told the family of Bryan Stow that he would pay for Stow's children's college educations. There has yet to be a stronger act of charity throughout this whole ordeal.

For those of you that dont know, Bryan Stow was beaten nearly to death after the Giants' opening night loss at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. He has been in a medically induced coma ever since, due to the fact that doctors have not been able to prevent him form being ravaged by seizures without medication. Stow was recently moved from L.A. to San Francisco General, and opened his eyes on occasion, but this is minimal progress. The Giants and Dodgers have donated to the Bryan Stow Fund, as has Tim Lincecum, who donated $25,000 out of his on bank account. If you haven't donated, I strongly urge you to do so. Stow is a 42 year old paramedic from Santa Cruz, and is a single father.

Back to Barry. Bonds visited Stow when he was still in L.A. He stayed with Stow for over an hour, including spending time alone in his room. Sharing thoughts and prayers, and Bonds even left an autographed bat for the Stow children. According to Bonds' lawyer, soon after he decided and that he wanted to pay for the children to go to college. An unbelievably kind gesture for a man he had never met, and wouldn't have thought twice about had they'd met anytime prior. Bonds was never a nice guy. In fact, he always played and acted as if he had an enormous chip on his shoulder. He didn't care what anyone thought, he was who he was, which is why he was able to perform so well but it is also why the public and media have attacked him so strongly recently. You don't see Mark McGwire under any scrutiny anymore, because he came clean. Barry will never come clean, and everyone hates him for it.

I met him once, at a Junior Giants luncheon. I was eleven, maybe twelve and all of the Giants were there. I brought my Barry Bonds rookie card in the hopes that my favorite player of all time would sign it. He didn't show up for the meet and greet, and he barely made it in time for the actual lunch. When he got there, I happened to be standing right next to him. I asked him very politely if he'd sign my card, keep in mind it took everything I had to work up the courage to do so. He waved me off, bluntly saying that now wasn't the time, and that he might do it after lunch. Well, he didn't and left as soon as he kid. So it goes. That was Barry Bonds, never one to do what he didn't want to do. He got everything his way, and he rubbed everyone the wrong way because of it. No one ever thinks of Barry as a nice guy, just that he was an amazing hitter, maybe the best we've ever seen. And to know that he has made such an outstanding promise shows that maybe he has taken a step in the right direction. Either way, I hope Bryan wakes up so that he can hear the news himself, and that these two may continue to share this Bond.

Stay Current,


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